States of a campaign

Campaign Details

When you click on a completed or created campaign, you can view the following details:

Total Calls Placed: The total number of calls made during the campaign.

Total Calls Answered: The number of calls that were answered.

Total Voice Consumed: The total duration of voice used in the campaign.

Call Details

For each call, the following information is available:

Name: The name of the contact.

Phone Number: The contact’s phone number.

Call Duration: The length of the call.

Called At: The date and time the call was made.

Status: The status of the call, which can include:

  • Completed
  • In Progress
  • Failed
  • Error

Sentiment: The sentiment of the call, is categorized as:

  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Neutral


Feedback: You can provide feedback for each call, including a written response and a rating.